Like leather, Neflium can be used to craft objects with traditional leatherwork techniques or can even crafted with digital fabrication tools. A lot of different explorations were already made using both. Two specific practical applications are presented in here, one is a case for headphones and the other is a wallet. Both applications were designed and made with the same eco-design principles of Neflium, for example, avoiding the use of glue, paint, toxic chemicals, or dangerous components. On the other hand, it was also important for the project to make useful objects but with an elegant and sober aesthetic appearance that people would like.
Some objects are commonly fabricated with animal leather, which uses a lot of water and toxic chemical in its production and causing a tremendous environmental impact. What was tried to achieve, was to design a collection of objects to replace common use disposable products that are made with toxic and long-term degradable materials that affect not only humans but other forms of life and the different interactions between them.